湯姆跟父親詹姆士住在義大利多羅米提山區。雖然他的母親—偉大的英國技術登山家Alison Hargreaves ,在他年僅六歲時於K2峰下山時死亡,他仍然一心一意想成為一位登山家。他生命的全部就只有山,他最新的目標:在一個冬季內完成獨攀阿爾卑斯山脈六大北壁。從來沒人完成過這個目標,他想成為第一人。在父親詹姆士所開的廂型車裡,湯姆穿越整個阿爾卑斯山脈,試圖完成他的夢想。
Tom lives with his ageing father, James, in the Dolomites. Even though his mother, the great British alpinist Alison Hargreaves, died descending the K2 when he was just 6 years old, he has never wanted to be anything else but a climber. His whole life is dedicated to the mountains, his latest goal: To climb the Six North Faces of the Alps, solo, in a single winter season. Nobody has ever done it, and he wants to be the first. In a white van driven by James, Tom travels through the Alps to make his dream come true.
Nicky Spinks 越野跑
Nicky Spinks是英國最艱難的四大越野跑賽事—The Bob Graham、Paddy Buckley、Ramsey round 以及 Lake District 24的女子組的紀錄保持人。
Nicky Spinks, the female record holder for the four hardest fell running challenges in the UK: The Bob Graham, Paddy Buckley, Ramsey round and Lake District 24.
導演:Justine Curgenven
沒有人成功以獨木舟完成位置遙遠,而且海相惡劣的阿留申群島全程航行。這條路線由超過20趟長途、無人居住的島群航行所串連起來。兩位女性嘗試成為世界第一組成功的隊伍,她們必須與惡水搏鬥,面對狂野的暴風雨、飢餓的熊,以及把她們往外推送的洋流。在這101天當中,Justine Curgenven 跟 Sarah Outen罕見地照見了自我的內在,同時也照見了少數居住在這嚴酷而美麗土地上的居民生命。過程中值得慶祝以及絕望的時刻,都美麗地呈現在本片當中。
No-one had succeeded in kayaking along the remote and stormy Aleutian islands, where more than 20 long crossings separate tiny unpopulated islands. Two women attempt this world-first journey in uncharted waters, dealing with wild storms, hungry bears and strong currents that sweep them away from land. Over 101 days, Justine Curgenven and Sarah Outen gain a rare insight into themselves and into the lives of the few people who live in this harsh and beautiful landscape. The celebration & desperation is captured beautifully on film.